North Campus has a Women’s development/ Gender Sensitization committee (WDC) whose  aim is to build a gender sensitive campus. WDC  organizes various orientation programmes for the students and faculty members. Sensitizing and awareness building on gender equity is one of the prime activities of the WDC at North Campus which is the only long time measure for building awareness about women’s related issues and prevention of various kinds of harassment on campus.

After the Sexual Harassment Act of 2013 and the UGC Guidelines of 2015, the University has set up the Campus Internal Committee to address complaints of Sexual Harassment. The aim of WDC, North Campus is to create a gender neutral atmosphere in the campus and look after the well being of female students and non teaching and teaching staff in the campus. It also wants to extends its activities beyond the campus by organizing programmes that build awareness about women related policies and issues. The establishment of the WDC is indeed a landmark achievement of the university


Commitee Members:

  • Ms. Maleeha Gul (Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies) - Convener, WDC Commitee
  • Ms Ambreen Khursheed (Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies) - Jt, Convener
  • Ms Rubina Yasin (Assistant Registrar) - Member
  • Ms Arifat Rashid (PA to Director, North Campus) - Member